sis lyn blog

sis lyn blog


hallo everybody...
have a nice day....
thanx 4 dropping by..

Monday, September 17, 2012

4 tahun tu lama ok..

huhu.. 1st week kt kampus baru.. new start for a long degree..
kampus puncak alam jd rumah kedua aku la lepas ni.. enviroment ok, kawan pn not bad.. x la sama mcm "G".. tp course yg aku ambik ni mcm x best ja.. "SARJANA MUDA FARMASI" tempoh pengajian 4 tahun.. wth

they send me here :)
aku pn xtw napa aku p letak farmasi tu 1st choice.. masuk kelas 1st day dh start belajar.. i was like, ok?! then hari kedua dah kena buat essay pasal atom.. FINE!! lecture plak mesti la dh x sama cm kt diploma dulu.. menambahkan tekanan kat otak aku yg dah tertekan ni, lecture plak bg tw farmasi sekarang dah tepu.. so yg aku belajar penat2 4 tahun to go ni nk buat apa?! aku x kesah kalau subjek course tu susah, tp kalau minat x da.. yg senang pn jadi susah..

apa2 pn parent is always the BEST..
"belajar tu tanggungjawab kita, dapat kerja ke tak tu rezeki"- qoute dr ayah aku.. 
MAK, ABAH MISS YOU A LOT..dah jadi cam ni aku kena kuat semangat la kan.. my life now make me remember poem that i learn during secondary school -> The Road Not Taken.. apalah agaknya the road not taken by me tu ye? tapi sebagai seorang muslim kita kena percaya dgn qado & qadar.. ada la hikmahnya aku kat sini..

my family have faith in me, so i must try hard right? so, doakan yg terbaik buat aku ye..

Friday, February 17, 2012


Now that i realize, update a blog is not an easy task.. look at how long i had not updating this blog..
it been like years.. (it is year, since my last update was on 2011)..

how's life now?? if you're wondering bout that, routine.. just
a normal life, nothing really special, no great stuff happen, lots of thing to do, boring lectures, many classes to attend.. kinda stress life.. hoho.. i make it sound really suck.. actually, it is suck, but it's my life, i need to bear with it..

relax, i just has 3 more weeks before the final come, which will make my life like hell.. then i will be free for more than 4 months before another stress life begin.. huhhh... what a life..

lots of procrastinate work also

anyway, it not that bad if i put aside all the school stuff.. i'm in my last semester, need to do the best for my future..

final exam?? yes, i can do it.. wish me luck ;P